We followed Claire during her daily routine as the Manufacturing and Logistics Manager
She highlights an important event: the start of the commercial production of the solutions developed Diabeloop

Diabeloop: Claire, how did you come to know about Diabeloop and when did you join the company?
Claire: I found out about Diabeloop when I answered a job advertisement. I joined the company in December 2017, taking on the position of Manufacturing and Logistics Manager.
D: Can you tell us more about your career?
C: I have a degree in industrial engineering, majoring in logistics. For ten years, I worked for the Volvo automobile group, with a particular focus on transport and logistics. In 2015, the company implemented a corporate restructuring plan. I took the opportunity to leave the company in order to complete various personal and professional projects, which included relocating closer to Grenoble to start a business venture. I got into making fabric items for children. I was self-employed for two years, and although it was a rewarding experience, I found that working alone was not for me. So, I sought to re-enter the corporate world.
D: Why did you turn to Diabeloop? What was it that won you over?
C: On the face of it, I’m a bit of a stranger to the diabetes sector. I don’t have diabetes, and I don’t necessarily have any close friends or family who are living with diabetes. What appealed to me was the opportunity to join a company that was initially close-knit and not too big, with short chains of command where you can actually get a handle on the final objective. Diabeloop is also a company in which versatility, accountability and self-reliance are key. Even though we tend to specialize in order to succeed on our growth path, we are not confined to one single, strictly limited role.
D: What are your main everyday tasks as the Manufacturing and Logistics Manager?
C: I am responsible for organizing production (on a day-to-day basis and for the future), resolving issues related to manufacturing and logistics, production and the shipping of the products developed by Diabeloop to hospitals and/or partners. When I joined Diabeloop, we mainly concentrated on development and production for clinical trials. We started commercial production at the end of 2020.
D: What do you most enjoy about your job and its associated tasks?
C: It’s the diversity I like the most, not only the diversity of the duties, but also the diversity of the people with whom I interact within my team as well within the company. No two days are alike.
D: What was the first major challenge you had to overcome when you joined Diabeloop?
C: My first big challenge was to form a team. I had to recruit seven people in a short space of time. The Operations team quickly went from two people to nine. Defining the recruitment needs and searching for suitable profiles was a first for me. It was an intense challenge that required teamwork with other teams, not just to hire the new staff, but also to facilitate their integration within the system. Despite this being a new experience for me, I enjoyed the recruitment exercise, and I learned a lot.
D: You are the facilitator for the Manufacturing and Logistics team, i.e. the team leader. What’s your vision?
C: I try to use a consultative approach and encourage dialogue whenever possible. Everybody brings something to the team, and to the life of the team. I play a supporting role, so that everyone has what they need to do their work, and I coordinate, particularly with regard to defining priorities. I make myself available to team members.
D: What is the one success at Diabeloop that you are particularly proud of?
C: In November 2020, we pressed the “ON” button to launch commercial production (integration of ERP, integration of a new product with a new pump, etc.) and everything proceeded as planned (well, almost). The process I had helped to set up from the beginning, and that we tested multiple times, worked. That was immensely satisfying.
D: In your opinion, it would be great if…
C: It would be great if as many patients as possible throughout the world were equipped with innovative solutions developed by Diabeloop.
D: It’s not always simple to recruit in production/logistics. What would you like to say to applicants who are hesitant about applying?
C: The operations team is extremely dynamic. It is made up of people who are extremely open to others. In joining Diabeloop, they will give meaning to their assignments and be able to express their ideas. I would also like to say that we are the final link in the chain. It is extremely satisfying to produce the kits, witness the boxes ready to leave and think that the next step is the dispatch to the patients and that our solutions will change their lives.
D: A final word or two?
C: At Diabeloop, we place a strong emphasis on listening and a caring attitude. In part, it was this mindset that won me over and I would like for us to keep it. At this critical juncture for the company in terms of business development and internationalization, and given that this a key turning point with new strategic projects looming, a considerable joint effort is required.