EASD 2020: what to take away
Some Diabeloop highlights from the European Diabetes Congress

Diabeloop organizes an interactive webinar on diabetes during adolescence
During the European Diabetes Congress EASD 2020, Diabeloop hosted the webinar: Life without interruption!
Adolescents and young adults, let’s talk about your lifestyle, needs and mental load.
More than 30 patient advocates from all over Europe and the world attended.
Thank you for sharing your experiences!
Diabeloop’s Meet The Expert
Dr. Coralie Amadou presented the real life (pre-launch) outcomes of the automated insulin delivery system developed by Diabeloop. She underlined that “the objective was to assess the real-life use of the system”. The primary outcome was the time in range. The secondary outcomes were the HbA1c, the time spent below range and the safety of the system.” This real life study revealed significant improvements in HbA1c.
Pr. Pierre-Yves Benhamou introduced the preliminary results of a clinical study dedicated to highly unstable diabetes. He emphasized that “the goal is to address the difficult question of patients with very severe Type 1 diabetes. Patients were very satisfied with the system and had a reduction of their hypoglycemia”.
Erik Huneker, co-founder and CEO of Diabeloop, gave an overview of future developments of our technology. He outlined that “solutions need to be personalized, because every person has a different lifestyle, different physiology, different preferences.” Finally, Diabeloop “works on the ability to not have to declare meals and focuses on the interoperability of its solutions to give people choices”.